Lives and works in Oslo, Norway
2000-98 MFA – Time Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
1998-95 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Noetic Structures, (collaboration with Ole Jørgen Ness), Consultorio Project Room, Chamusca, Portugal
2024 ROCA ARCTICA, Lusitanus, stable and education center for horses, Golega, Portugal
2023 Dangerous/Anger, 222T Oslo, Norway
2023 Verde Lapponia, Kunstarena Torbjørnsbu Gruver, Arendal, Norway
2022 NONSITE (collaboration with Ole Jørgen Ness), Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal, Norway
2022 Mykorrhiza Volume 3, 222T Oslo, Norway
2021 Akashic Field, KODE Bergen Art Museum, Norway
2020 TRANS : FORM : YOU : LATE Vol 4 featuring Norvald Braaten/Marit Følstad, 222T Oslo, Norway
2020 222T presents TRANS : FORM : YOU : LATE Vol 3 featuring Bisgaard/Følstad/Ness, QB Gallery, Oslo
2019 MARS Probe, (collaboration with Gunnar Moen and Ole Jørgen Ness), 222T, Oslo, Norway
2017 Everything’s Gone Green, OSL contemporary, Oslo, Norway
2016 The Marble Index, Rooster Gallery, New York, USA
2016 The Black Flag, (collaboration with Ole Jørgen Ness), Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2014 Sense of Doubt, Entrée, Bergen, Norway
2013 DISORDER, The Bolier Room, Oslo, Norway
2013 With The Lights Out, Effearte Gallery, Milan, Italy
2012 Something in the Way, LAUTOM Contemporary, Oslo, Norway
2012 No Strange Delight, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
2010 Everything Merges With The Night, Oslo Kunstforening, Norway
2010 Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway
2009 Last Day of Magic, Galleri Riis, Oslo, Norway
2006 It’s all in my head, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
2006 Amplified, Project Room, Gallery F15, Moss, Norway
2005 Strategies for Living, Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway
2004 32.7 – like pink snowflakes, F-rommet, Malmø Art Museum, Sweden
2004 Strategies for Living, Museum of Installation, London, U.K.
2002 The Pink Room, Galleri Nord-Norge, FINN, Norway
2000 30 seconds of desire, (collaboration with John Gerrard), Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, USA
1999 Memory Drawing, Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Periodic Remains, Stavanger Art Museum, Norway
2023 APOTEK, K.O.S A, Krutthuset, Oslo, Norway
2023 Lytt til naturens stemme, Norwegian Sculptors Society, Oslo
2023 Water Connect Us All, ALTAN, Ålesund, Norway
2022 ATOPIAN HABITAT Volume 1, 222T Oslo, Norway
2022 with Love, Museum Anna Nordlandet, Skellefteå, Sweden
2021 VERTIGO, Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway
2021 S PACE Volume 1 NONSITE, 222T Oslo, Norway
2019 Show me your garden, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2019 STILL LIFE, QB Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2019 Ser du tegninga?, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway
2018 MUNCHS HUS, Haugar Art Museum, Tønsberg, Norway
2017 Images of the North, Touring exhibition in Japan by Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum
2016 Treasures, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
2015 ABOUT FACE: Self-Portraiture in Contemporary Art, The Hood Museum of Art,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA
2015 If you have to ask, you’ll never know, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2015 A BOOK OF BURNING MATCHES: Collecting Installation Art Documents, ME Collectors Room,
Berlin, Germany
2014 KODE Contemporary – JEG! Bergen Art Museum, Norway
2013 Nordic Outbreak, Scandinavia House, New York, KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki
and Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland
2013 PARADOX: Positions in Norwegian Video Art 1980–2010,
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
2012 Desire, Bergen Art Museum, Norway
2009 21st Century Exhibition, The International Incheon Women Artist Biennial, Korea
2009 Nachspiel / Vorspiel, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norway
2008 Are you all right? You look so orange, Galleri Erik Steen, Oslo, Norway
2008 Presence, Tony Wight Gallery, Chicago, USA
2007 Luft, Punkt Ø, Moss Brewery Exhibition Hall, Norway
2006 Tegnebiennalen, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, Norway
2006 Scarecrow, Averoff Museum, Metsovo, Greece
2005 KISS: When a kiss isn’t just a kiss, Contemporary Art Galleries, University of Connecticut, USA
2005 Between You and Me, Arthouse, Austin, Texas, and Sculpture Center, New York, USA (2004)
2004 Freud:The Creative Analysis of Analysis, Contemporary Art Galleries, University of Connecticut, USA
2004 Filling Up/Spilling Out, Palm Beach ICA, Florida, USA
2003 Thinking in Line, A Survey of Contemporary Drawing, University Gallery, Gainesville, Florida, USA
2003 Off, Murray Guy, New York, USA
2003 Other Stories, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, USA
2002 Thin Skin, AXA Gallery, New York and Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Arizona, USA
2001 LUMO, Jyvaskyla Art Museum, Finland
2001 How did I know that you were here? RMIT Project Space, Melbourne, Australia
2000 Mørketidsutstillingen, Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway
2000 Video Installation, Bona Fide Gallery, Chicago, USA
1999 Dusk, CoCA – Seattle, USA
1999 Transmute, MCA – Chicago, USA
1999 Private Views, ICA – Dunaujvaros, Hungary
1999 Berenice’s Hair, Rovaniemi Art Museum, and Gallery Otso, Espoo, Finland
1999 USA-artists in Europe, Swiss Institute, Rome, Italy
1998 EAST International, Norwich Gallery of Art, England
1998 Private Views, Rotermann’s Salt Storage, Estonian Art Museum, Tallinn
1997 DISLOCATIONS, International Triennial of Photographic Art, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland
1997 Virtual Vulgarity, Reading University, England
1997 The Complete Contempt, Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland
Selected Publications
Marit Følstad – Det Afgørende Øjeblik, Magasinet Kunst, Nr.4 2016
The Marble Index – Marit Følstad, Published by Teknisk Industri AS, Oslo 2016
NASJONALMUSEET Høydepinkter – Kunst fra 1945 til i dag, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og
design Oslo 2015
PARADOX Positions in Norwegian Video Art 1980 – 2010, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og
design, Oslo 2013
Konstens Ömma Blick. By Joakim Borda Pedreira, Objektiv, Issue No.6 2012
Shadowplay. By Erik Nilsen, KUNSTforum, Issue No.1 2012
Sanselig Minimalisme. By Hanne Hammer Stien, Billedkunst, Issue No.1 2012
Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons – Marit Følstad, Published by Teknisk Industri AS, Oslo 2012
Habitus in Habitat: The Other side of Cognition, S. Flach & J.Soeffner (eds), Peter Lang AG, Bern 2010
NORTHWAVE. Overview of video art in Nordic Countries. By Lorella Scacco, Published by Silvana Editoriale 2009
It’s all in my head – Marit Følstad, SLASH Magazine, Issue No.7 Autumn 2007
It’s all in my head – Marit Følstad, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo 2006
A. Dimitrakaki, ‘Femininity and Utopia in Women’s Film and Video: Towards A Critical Investigation’ in
S. von Falkenhausen et al, eds, Medien der Kunst: Geschlect, Metapher, Code, Jonas Verlag 2004
FICTION, Volume 19 No.1 2004
Boundaries of the Body. Filling Up/Spilling Out. By Jody Servon, NY Arts Magazine, May/June 2004, Vol.9, 5/6
Thin Skin: The Fickle Nature of Bubbles, Spheres, and Inflatable Structures. Independent Curators International, New York 2002
Private Views, spaces and gender in Contemporary Art from Britain and Estonia, 1B Tauris 2000
2017 Vasulka-Chamber Residency, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik
2013 Art Omi International Artist Residency, New York, USA
2005 Werkraum Warteck pp, Basel, Switzerland
2003 NIFCA New Media Air, Konstepidemin Gøteborg, Sweden.
2003-02 International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York, as Fulbright Grant recipient
2001 RMIT, Melbourne, Australia
Public Collections
Stavanger Art Museum, Norway
The Art Collection of Oslo Municipality, Norway
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
KODE Bergen Art Museum, Norway
Troms Fylkeskommune Art Collection, Norway
Sparebank1 Nord-Norges Kunststiftelse, Tromsø, Norway
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway
Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway
Malmø Art Museum, Sweden
Norsk Kulturråd, Norway